1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:00,000 2 00:00:06,830 --> 00:00:08,980 Good morning , everyone . Mi amigos ! 3 00:00:09,350 --> 00:00:12,990 Destro's s o para medicine Grand on our 4 00:00:13,480 --> 00:00:16,160 Darius LeBron Vinita sent sick 5 00:00:17,190 --> 00:00:19,520 again . Welcome its first virtual sense 6 00:00:19,520 --> 00:00:22,620 sick . We're here to talk about some 7 00:00:22,620 --> 00:00:26,110 very important issues and we've got 8 00:00:26,110 --> 00:00:27,930 with me mass . Sergeant Gomez , 9 00:00:27,950 --> 00:00:30,910 representing our senior enlisted master 10 00:00:30,910 --> 00:00:33,132 Sergeant Zika Foods , could be with our 11 00:00:33,132 --> 00:00:35,188 started major Zika Foods couldn't be 12 00:00:35,188 --> 00:00:37,243 with us today , but we all know that 13 00:00:37,243 --> 00:00:39,390 non commission officer development is 14 00:00:39,390 --> 00:00:41,223 important . And today we have an 15 00:00:41,223 --> 00:00:43,334 opportunity to exchange ideas broadly 16 00:00:43,700 --> 00:00:47,530 amongst our our leadership team and 17 00:00:47,530 --> 00:00:49,830 also to include our senior enlisted in 18 00:00:49,830 --> 00:00:51,663 that discussion recognition that 19 00:00:51,663 --> 00:00:54,680 everything we do depends on our forces , 20 00:00:54,680 --> 00:00:57,640 our teams to get the job done . So sort 21 00:00:57,640 --> 00:00:59,807 of major comes good to have you here . 22 00:00:59,807 --> 00:01:02,029 Sergeant Major speaks English , Spanish 23 00:01:02,029 --> 00:01:03,973 and Portuguese , but I think we'll 24 00:01:03,973 --> 00:01:06,307 stick to English and Spanish today . Um , 25 00:01:06,307 --> 00:01:08,640 I also want to recognize , uh , part of 26 00:01:08,640 --> 00:01:10,307 our discussion , a meaningful 27 00:01:10,440 --> 00:01:13,790 contribution of women . So we don't 28 00:01:13,790 --> 00:01:16,780 have a specific women peace and 29 00:01:16,780 --> 00:01:19,690 security module in the training today 30 00:01:19,690 --> 00:01:21,810 in the conference we have had in the 31 00:01:21,810 --> 00:01:24,510 past . And that's important . Important . 32 00:01:24,510 --> 00:01:27,190 Teoh , all of us to share best 33 00:01:27,190 --> 00:01:29,246 practices on implementing policies , 34 00:01:29,246 --> 00:01:31,301 support the role of women in defense 35 00:01:31,301 --> 00:01:33,760 and security . And they know for all of 36 00:01:33,760 --> 00:01:36,060 us the Sensex , which we were going to 37 00:01:36,060 --> 00:01:39,050 have here in Miami but virtually is the 38 00:01:39,050 --> 00:01:42,110 next best thing is it's well time for 39 00:01:42,110 --> 00:01:43,832 all of us . The threats to our 40 00:01:43,832 --> 00:01:45,980 neighborhood are becoming more 41 00:01:45,980 --> 00:01:48,091 complicated ever evolving . And those 42 00:01:48,091 --> 00:01:51,440 threats include the cove in 19 as well 43 00:01:51,440 --> 00:01:53,580 as that transnational criminal 44 00:01:53,580 --> 00:01:57,010 organizations , narco terrorists and in 45 00:01:57,020 --> 00:01:59,740 the upcoming hurricane season as well 46 00:01:59,740 --> 00:02:02,830 poses threats to all of us . I think we 47 00:02:02,830 --> 00:02:05,320 would all agree , and I know I have 48 00:02:05,320 --> 00:02:08,110 spoken with all of you . That cove it 49 00:02:08,110 --> 00:02:10,570 impact on our lives and societies and 50 00:02:10,570 --> 00:02:13,030 our families and our personnel has been , 51 00:02:13,880 --> 00:02:17,280 has been extreme and has caused us all 52 00:02:17,280 --> 00:02:21,180 to commit time people and resource is , 53 00:02:21,840 --> 00:02:24,007 as we focus on the continued health of 54 00:02:24,007 --> 00:02:26,750 our force as well as the 55 00:02:27,480 --> 00:02:29,536 readiness of our force , when that's 56 00:02:29,536 --> 00:02:31,536 gonna be a big folks , that today's 57 00:02:31,536 --> 00:02:33,591 discussion just a one example , it's 58 00:02:33,591 --> 00:02:36,140 South com Working with all of you . We 59 00:02:36,140 --> 00:02:38,860 have now over 200 projects in 26 60 00:02:38,860 --> 00:02:41,250 partner nations for about $12 million 61 00:02:41,940 --> 00:02:44,750 but it is just the tip of of what the 62 00:02:44,750 --> 00:02:47,320 needs are , as you all set your needs 63 00:02:47,330 --> 00:02:51,160 and frankly we do too . I've heard Cove 64 00:02:51,160 --> 00:02:53,420 it referred to is the new normal . I 65 00:02:53,430 --> 00:02:55,590 reject the term new normal . There's 66 00:02:55,590 --> 00:02:57,701 nothing normal about Kobe . This is a 67 00:02:58,140 --> 00:03:00,307 emergency , a crisis of pandemic . And 68 00:03:00,307 --> 00:03:03,090 it's a management challenge for all of 69 00:03:03,090 --> 00:03:05,690 us . As we move forward , it's It is a 70 00:03:05,690 --> 00:03:08,830 fact that we have to plan how to deal 71 00:03:08,830 --> 00:03:10,950 with cove it in everything we do . 72 00:03:13,940 --> 00:03:16,670 As you all know . In April , President 73 00:03:16,670 --> 00:03:18,990 Trump announced an increase in forces 74 00:03:19,380 --> 00:03:21,940 coincident with the biggest on one set 75 00:03:21,940 --> 00:03:24,050 of the pandemic for United States 76 00:03:24,050 --> 00:03:27,820 Southern Command , Teoh enhance our 77 00:03:27,820 --> 00:03:30,070 ability to get after counternarcotics 78 00:03:30,470 --> 00:03:32,970 to get after the transnational criminal 79 00:03:32,970 --> 00:03:35,350 organizations narco terrorists that 80 00:03:35,890 --> 00:03:38,670 that traffic and make profit at the 81 00:03:38,670 --> 00:03:41,250 expense of our citizens , your citizens 82 00:03:41,340 --> 00:03:44,430 and democracy . And we would thank 83 00:03:44,460 --> 00:03:47,510 Colombia , Costa Rica , Panama , El 84 00:03:47,510 --> 00:03:49,990 Salvador , Guatemala , Honduras 85 00:03:49,990 --> 00:03:52,300 believes all of you for being with us . 86 00:03:52,740 --> 00:03:54,962 When when we could have all retreated , 87 00:03:55,400 --> 00:03:57,289 we all stepped up and I consigned 88 00:03:57,289 --> 00:03:59,650 examples from every nation here this 89 00:03:59,650 --> 00:04:02,450 morning Panama permitting access . 90 00:04:02,450 --> 00:04:05,800 Thank you , Ministro to Costa 91 00:04:05,800 --> 00:04:08,080 Rica , permitting access again . Thank 92 00:04:08,080 --> 00:04:11,880 you , Sr Ministro . And so I 93 00:04:11,890 --> 00:04:13,834 from my heart and we had President 94 00:04:13,834 --> 00:04:16,670 Trump here at the headquarters in Miami 95 00:04:16,670 --> 00:04:19,470 on Friday this week to review progress , 96 00:04:19,470 --> 00:04:21,960 and I I cited the examples of inch 97 00:04:21,960 --> 00:04:24,840 nation on the screen , and I wanted to 98 00:04:24,840 --> 00:04:26,562 thank you personally , and the 99 00:04:26,562 --> 00:04:28,673 president was very thankful . So from 100 00:04:28,673 --> 00:04:30,896 me and the president , our commander in 101 00:04:30,896 --> 00:04:33,118 chief , thank you . But yet we continue 102 00:04:33,118 --> 00:04:34,729 to see this increase in drug 103 00:04:34,729 --> 00:04:36,840 trafficking , including routes out of 104 00:04:36,840 --> 00:04:38,951 Venezuela . And while our efforts are 105 00:04:38,951 --> 00:04:41,062 targeted specifically a transnational 106 00:04:41,062 --> 00:04:43,173 criminal organizations , not Maduro , 107 00:04:43,310 --> 00:04:45,143 we certainly know that there's a 108 00:04:45,143 --> 00:04:47,490 connection to these organizations and 109 00:04:47,490 --> 00:04:50,940 the illegitimate Maduro regime . Most 110 00:04:50,940 --> 00:04:53,390 of you have representatives that Joint 111 00:04:53,390 --> 00:04:55,520 Interagency Task Force south in Key 112 00:04:55,520 --> 00:04:57,742 West , and I know we're working on that 113 00:04:57,742 --> 00:04:59,742 for police , and I encourage you to 114 00:04:59,742 --> 00:05:02,410 continue to make it a priority to send 115 00:05:02,410 --> 00:05:05,090 your very best as you have and Teoh 116 00:05:05,410 --> 00:05:07,970 challenge me to collaborate mawr and 117 00:05:07,970 --> 00:05:10,026 even share more intelligence through 118 00:05:10,026 --> 00:05:11,970 those networks . It's so important 119 00:05:12,040 --> 00:05:14,280 addition , we we will continue to try 120 00:05:14,280 --> 00:05:16,520 to press on our exercise program . We 121 00:05:16,520 --> 00:05:20,450 had Teoh postpone many , but we 122 00:05:20,450 --> 00:05:22,561 were looking into the future . How we 123 00:05:22,561 --> 00:05:25,010 continue with those exercises , 124 00:05:25,010 --> 00:05:27,232 particularly utilizing Joint Task Force 125 00:05:27,232 --> 00:05:29,740 Bravo out of Honduras and then 126 00:05:29,740 --> 00:05:31,750 leveraging some State Department 127 00:05:31,760 --> 00:05:33,593 programs like a Central American 128 00:05:33,593 --> 00:05:37,150 Maritime Regional initiative . We all 129 00:05:37,150 --> 00:05:39,150 have the will . I know this and the 130 00:05:39,150 --> 00:05:41,560 commitment to shared common values 131 00:05:41,560 --> 00:05:43,838 support for democracy and human rights . 132 00:05:44,200 --> 00:05:46,367 And we all know that no one nation can 133 00:05:46,367 --> 00:05:48,589 do this alone . And so that's why we're 134 00:05:48,589 --> 00:05:50,533 here today in the recognition that 135 00:05:50,533 --> 00:05:52,700 together we could be stronger than the 136 00:05:52,700 --> 00:05:54,780 parts , the magnitude of the threats 137 00:05:54,790 --> 00:05:56,710 that face us demands it and this 138 00:05:56,710 --> 00:05:58,480 challenging operation . Racial 139 00:05:58,480 --> 00:06:00,480 environment . Frankly , when we sat 140 00:06:00,480 --> 00:06:02,480 down a year ago , we would not have 141 00:06:02,480 --> 00:06:04,536 envisioned it being this challenge . 142 00:06:04,536 --> 00:06:07,170 Challenging really adds to the impetus 143 00:06:07,170 --> 00:06:09,290 for us to work together . And , of 144 00:06:09,290 --> 00:06:11,840 course , importantly , like I said 145 00:06:11,840 --> 00:06:14,173 Friday , my dad in western Pennsylvania , 146 00:06:14,173 --> 00:06:16,396 all of our citizens demand it . Right ? 147 00:06:16,396 --> 00:06:18,396 Sergeant Major , your mom in Brazil 148 00:06:18,396 --> 00:06:21,400 demands that , um , we do have 149 00:06:21,400 --> 00:06:23,511 challenges from other nations , and I 150 00:06:23,511 --> 00:06:25,511 recognize that when China comes and 151 00:06:25,511 --> 00:06:27,750 they offer support , it's a political 152 00:06:27,750 --> 00:06:31,170 decision . But I also recognize that 153 00:06:31,250 --> 00:06:33,740 like minded democracies like the US and 154 00:06:33,740 --> 00:06:36,110 your nations work best together when 155 00:06:36,110 --> 00:06:38,332 they when they share values and respect 156 00:06:38,332 --> 00:06:40,900 for the rule of law , human rights , 157 00:06:41,800 --> 00:06:45,550 sovereignty and ah , in quality in our 158 00:06:45,550 --> 00:06:49,190 work pores . We talked about exercises 159 00:06:49,200 --> 00:06:51,600 We've talked about the importance and 160 00:06:51,610 --> 00:06:53,700 impetus that we must work together , 161 00:06:54,240 --> 00:06:56,560 and so I'd like to propose a shared 162 00:06:56,560 --> 00:06:59,000 goal for today . It's just a few hours , 163 00:06:59,010 --> 00:07:00,899 but we walk out of here with some 164 00:07:00,899 --> 00:07:03,930 action items and some consensus on how 165 00:07:03,930 --> 00:07:07,040 we're going to strengthen our 166 00:07:07,200 --> 00:07:09,990 cooperation and how we're going . Teoh 167 00:07:10,000 --> 00:07:12,222 strengthen our ability to work together 168 00:07:12,222 --> 00:07:14,222 to get at the security challenges , 169 00:07:14,222 --> 00:07:16,333 particularly in light of Cove in 19 . 170 00:07:17,540 --> 00:07:19,540 It doesn't always have to come this 171 00:07:19,540 --> 00:07:21,596 assistance . Working together in the 172 00:07:21,596 --> 00:07:23,596 form of resource is it could be the 173 00:07:23,596 --> 00:07:25,818 exchange of good ideas , and we welcome 174 00:07:25,818 --> 00:07:27,873 those . Many of you have implemented 175 00:07:27,873 --> 00:07:29,873 some really important policies that 176 00:07:29,873 --> 00:07:31,940 have kept your nation safe or 177 00:07:31,940 --> 00:07:34,680 leveraging our private sector . But it 178 00:07:34,690 --> 00:07:37,150 it's a must do that we get after of the 179 00:07:37,150 --> 00:07:39,840 security challenges . And so it just 180 00:07:39,850 --> 00:07:41,850 we'll turn it back to the moderator 181 00:07:41,850 --> 00:07:43,794 here . But we have with us for the 182 00:07:43,794 --> 00:07:46,020 first hour or so . Brigadier General 183 00:07:46,020 --> 00:07:49,000 Paul Friedrichs , who was General 184 00:07:49,000 --> 00:07:51,390 Milley , our joint staff chairmen's 185 00:07:53,330 --> 00:07:56,850 surgeon , and he's been a center of 186 00:07:56,850 --> 00:07:59,017 forging policies for the Department of 187 00:07:59,017 --> 00:08:01,340 Defense and United States Department of 188 00:08:01,340 --> 00:08:03,690 Defense . Some two million strong . We 189 00:08:03,690 --> 00:08:07,150 have lost one active duty soldier took 190 00:08:07,150 --> 00:08:09,372 over it , which I think is a remarkable 191 00:08:09,970 --> 00:08:12,680 considering the the overall trends . 192 00:08:13,030 --> 00:08:16,100 And so General Fredericks will be 193 00:08:16,130 --> 00:08:18,830 involved in discussion here that I 194 00:08:18,830 --> 00:08:20,886 encourage you to ask questions . And 195 00:08:20,886 --> 00:08:23,920 then we'll offer some follow up support 196 00:08:23,930 --> 00:08:26,240 in terms of medical subject matter 197 00:08:26,240 --> 00:08:29,620 expert exchanges . But again , I could 198 00:08:29,630 --> 00:08:33,330 be I could think of a group that rather 199 00:08:33,330 --> 00:08:35,552 spend time with here this morning of my 200 00:08:35,552 --> 00:08:38,190 friends and ministers and and chiefs on 201 00:08:38,190 --> 00:08:38,850 the screen .