Hurricane Preparedness Info

Preparation for hurricane season (June 1 - Nov. 30) is a way of life in South Florida. This page provides tips and resources to help our SOUTHCOM personnel and families stay prepared. 

U.S. Navy satellite image of Hurricane Irene off the coast of Florida in 2011.  (U.S. Navy photo)

U.S. Navy satellite image of Hurricane Irene off the coast of Florida in 2011.  (U.S. Navy photo)

If a storm is approaching:

  • Monitor news for storm updates

  • Fill your cars' gas tanks

  • Refill prescription medicine

  • Store important documents in waterproof containers

  • If you do not need to evacuate, designate a safe room in your home

  • Place your supply kit in your designated safe room

  • Ensure adequate food & water supply (one gallon of water per person, per day)

  • Locate the turn-off valves to your utilities (gas), if applicable

  • Install shutters or ¾ inch plywood if needed

  • Have a plan for pet care

Important Contact and Info Sources

SOUTHCOM Hurricane Hotline: 305-437-3919  

Ready South Florida recommended sources for staying informed

Includes lists of latest local TV & Radio stations, emergency notification systems, mobile alert apps, and important social media streams from county sources. information on hurricane readiness  |  Spanish version

Includes information on typhoons & hurricanes, useful preparedness tips and checklists, and a variety of resources and contacts.  


Downloadable resources for SOUTHCOM Personnel


Helpful Sites with More Information