SOUTHCOM Industry Engagement

Industry is often the best source of information concerning market conditions and new innovative technological capabilities. SOUTHCOM is interested in understanding new innovations available in the market to assist us in determining how industry can support our mission.

If your organization works within the SOUTHCOM area of responsibility, we would like to understand the local market conditions from your perspective.

SOUTHCOM has a streamlined process for considering vendor requests. Coordination normally takes between two to four weeks depending on your response time. Unless you are requesting a virtual meeting, we recommend that you refrain from purchasing airline tickets until we can provide you with a visit confirmation. Sometimes unforeseen mission requirements result in last minute cancellation. We request your understanding and patience. SOUTHCOM cannot be responsible for any expenses resulting from such cancellations. To begin a vendor request, please fill out the below form:

I. Requesting Vendor(s):

II. Requested Dates

III. Vendor Information

Notice on collection of information via online forms

When receiving public requests via our online forms, SOUTHCOM collects information from users so that requests can be reviewed, managed and processed. Information collected from users may include full name, mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, company name, address and contact information, and requested topic of information. The information collected will only be used by SOUTHCOM staff working on requests. The online request forms policy is reviewed and updated annually to ensure system access only by appropriate staff and through technical security with user name log-in and passwords. Records are retained in accordance with records management policy.


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