Welcome to U.S. Southern Command and U.S. Army Garrison-Miami

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    Contact Form (for those without access to their E-mail)

    Health Protection Condition Alpha -- Routine Community Transmission

    Masking requirements are eliminated for vaccinated and unvaccinated personnel in all on-base facilities except for Army Health Clinic.

    Interactive Customer Evaluation link

    Interactive Customer Evaluation: Tell USAG-Miami What You Think

    Army Health Clinic SOUTHCOM.

    The Army Health Clinic SOUTHCOM provides ambulatory primary healthcare services to enrolled active duty service members, adult active duty family members, and TRICARE-eligible retirees working within U.S. Army Garrison-Miami. The clinic is located on the SOUTHCOM Headquarters at 9301 NW 33rd St., Doral, Fla. 33172, in the Installation Services building, STE A1040. 

    TEAM SOUTHCOM button. Links to Team SOUTHCOM page.

    A Network of Mutual Support: Total Engagement for All Members of U.S. Southern Command, or TEAM SOUTHCOM, is a command-sponsored organization (FRG) that aims to support command service members, civilians and family members -- in South Florida and assigned throughout the region.

    Graphic: The Chaplain's Corner. Links to Chaplain's Corner page

    SOUTHCOM's Chaplain's Corner provides perspectives, information and discussion to enhance spiritual, emotional and religious resiliency of the command.