Freedom of Information Act: Your Rights
FOIA Main | File a FOIA Request | Your Rights | Fees & Exemptions | FOIA Reading Room
NOTICE: As a result of increases in the Health Protection Condition (HPCON) level, our offices are limited to mission-essential personnel only and maximizing the use of telework for other personnel. This means that we are unable to handle requests sent via traditional methods and can only respond to electronic inquiries while under elevated HPCON levels.
You have the right to request records under the Freedom of Information Act.
You have the right to appeal any denial of records under the Freedom of Information Act.
You have the right to request a “fee waiver” if you can demonstrate that the requested record(s) is in the public interest and not primarily in the commercial interest of the requester.
Under Executive Order 13526, you have the right to request review of specific documents for declassification and release to the public.
This FOIA Requester Service Center is the initial point of contact for FOIA requesters (see FOIA Contact) to receive status, updates and appropriate information about their requests. Any requesters that have concerns about the service they are receiving from this FOIA Requester Service Center can raise concerns with Ms. Melissa S. Walker, FOIA Public Liaison, Chief of FOIA Policy, Appeals and Litigation. She can be reached at (571) 372-0462or at
For additional information please see the DoD Freedom of Information Act Policy Office