Tag: Colombian Air Force

March 21, 2019

Colombian Air Force supports US Navy Growlers for premier air-to-air combat

The Colombian Air Force is supporting the U.S. Navy during the U.S. Air Force-led air-to-air combat exercise Red Flag 19-2 March 11-22, 2019.

Sept. 28, 2018

Air advisors partner with Colombian air force during BPC mission

The 571st Mobility Support Advisory Squadron (MSAS) recently conducted a Building Partnerships Capacity (BPC) mission in Bogota, Colombia.

Aug. 8, 2017

Colombian Air Force leads multinational airdrop mission

The Colombian Air Force conducted a multinational personnel airdrop mission from their Casa 295 aircraft during Exercise Mobility Guardian Aug. 6.

June 9, 2017

Georgia ANG engages with Colombian Air Force

The Georgia Air National Guard welcomed a group of visiting Colombian Air Force officers as part of a State Partnership Program engagement, May 30 - June 2, 2017. The weeklong exchange on Ground Control Intercept consisted of a tour of the unit and discussions with subject matter experts on how to improve the Colombian Air Force’s training plans for controllers.