Archive: 2016

June 15, 2016

Florida Army National Guard shares experience with Central America

SOTO CANO, Honduras – The motto of United States Army South (ARSOUTH) is "Juntos Podemos," which translates to "Together We Can." For the Florida National Guard members of Task Force Caiman, deployed to Central America for this year's Regional Alignment of Forces (RAF) mission for ARSOUTH, these words couldn't be more fitting. The purpose of RAF

June 12, 2016

Coast Guard Cutter Heriberto Hernández participates in joint gunnery exercise in Grenada for Tradewinds 2016

ST. GEORGE'S, Grenada - The Coast Guard Cutter Heriberto Hernández participated in a joint gunnery exercise June 9, 2016 off the coast of St. George’s, Grenada, during Exercise Tradewinds 2016. Assets from Canada, France, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados and the United States participated in the joint gunnery exercise, which trains ship crews in the delivery of weapons fire from .50 caliber machine guns and 20MM auto-cannons. Each of the nations participating in Tradewinds operates one or both of these weapon systems.

June 12, 2016

U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers participate in Tradewinds 2016

ST GEORGE’S, Grenada-- U.S. Army Reserve Soldiers from the 396th Combat Support Hospital are providing medical support during Phase 1, Tradewinds 2016. The Soldiers from the Vancouver, Washington based unit are providing medical support for all the participating countries of Tradewinds 2016.

June 9, 2016

Regional Security Services receive real world training during Tradewinds 2016

Members of the Regional Security Services participated in a field training exercise during Tradewinds 2016 on June 9, near Grand Mal, Grenada. The field training exercise, or FTX, focused on training to counter transnational organized crime. The scenario emphasized the capability and speed to activate the 911 system in Grenada. This included emergency services such as the police, firefighters and medical personnel.

June 3, 2016

South Carolina National Guard hosts Colombian military law experts during exchange

COLUMBIA, S.C. – The South Carolina National Guard State Partnership Program hosted a week-long information exchange with seven members of the Colombian military and National Police May 22-27, discussing human rights and operational law. The group included four judges, one attorney and two human rights experts.

June 2, 2016

Southcom Commander: Illicit Networks Are Region’s Greatest Security Challenge

Navy Adm. Kurt W. Tidd, commander of U.S. Southern Command, said the Southcom area of responsibility has been characterized by the absence of ongoing armed conflict between nations for some time, but it's not a region without challenges.

May 24, 2016

JTF-Bravo MEDEL completes pediatric dental operations in Honduran capital

The Joint Task Force-Bravo Medical Element from Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras, supported U.S. Army Dental Command and U.S. Southern Command during pediatric dental humanitarian assistance projects in the Catholic University of Tegucigalpa, here, May 3-12.A total of 208 pediatric patients between the ages of 2 and 16 were seen during the two-week

May 13, 2016

Special operations teams from 20 nations compete in Fuerzas Comando competition

ANCON, Peru, May 12, 2016 — After 11 days of Olympic-level exertion, 160 special operations competitors from 20 countries across the Americas and the Caribbean know through experience how competition and cooperation can coexist. The sport and spirit of Fuerzas Comando, a U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM)-sponsored international competition and partnership, culminated in a closing ceremony May 12, 2016 in Ancon, Peru.

April 25, 2016

US, Colombian armies hold bilateral staff talks

Readiness U.S. Army Chief Of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley hasmade it clear this is the No. 1 priority. Active engagement with partner nationarmies is key in remaining ready to meet the ever-changing challenges of todayand tomorrow.U.S. Army South, the Army service component command to U.S.Southern Command, knows well the benefits of strong

April 25, 2016

Beyond the Horizon civic assistance exercise opens in Guatemala

Guatemalan and U.S. forces stood side by side in formationduring a ceremony to open a joint-foreign military humanitarian civicassistance exercise called Beyond the Horizon April 7 in San Marcos, Guatemala.Nestled between lush, green fields scattered with grazingcows, a variety of military vehicles displayed in an arch formation showcasedsome