USAG-Miami Installation Support Offices

Installation Support Offices

USAG-Miami Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

The U.S. Army Garrison Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Office serves U.S. Army Garrison-Miami, U.S. Southern Command and other assigned units.

More on EEO webpage - EEO complaints, Special Emphasis Programs, mediation, training and useful link and policy letters

USAG-Miami Legal Services

The USAG-Miami Attorney, on a limited basis, also provides legal services and preliminary legal advice to active-duty and retired soldiers, their family members, and other individuals entitled to receive legal assistance in the Miami area.

Note: USAG-Miami does not have a dedicated Legal Assistance Office. However, Legal Assistance is available on a limited basis to active duty personnel assigned to SOUTHCOM and USAG-Miami. The Garrison Attorney can advise you on most personal legal matters, such as wills, powers of attorney, divorce, custody support, consumer affairs, tax, and landlord/tenant issues. However, the Garrison Attorney is not authorized to represent military ID card holders in civilian courts.
Legal Services Hours of Operation

Contact info

Appointments: 305-437-1734 (leave your name, telephone number, and the issue for which you are requesting assistance. You will be contacted as soon as appointments may be scheduled.)


Hours of Operation

7:30 AM - 4:30 PM


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Vision:  The IR office is designed to provide value-added examinations of documentation to providing an independent assessment on risk management, internal controls, or governance processes.  Reviews are conducted in accordance with Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards and AR 11-7, Army Internal Review Program.  IR office engagements seek to solve known or perceived problems, provide information in support of decision-making, or take advantage of opportunities to improve efficiency or effectiveness of processes.  

Mission:  The mission of IR office is to bring the organization in compliance with Circular A-123 and United States Government Accountability Office Standards of Internal Control in the Federal Government (known as the "Green Book"). Manager's Internal Control Program (Managers' Internal Control Program) was established by Public Law 97-255, the Federal Mangers' Financial Integrity Act of 1982 (FMFIA) and was enacted to ensure efficient and effective management of government resources to protect against fraud, waste, and abuse. It requires all federal agencies to establish management controls that provide reasonable assurance that: obligations and costs follow applicable laws; funds, property, and other assets are safeguarded against waste, loss, unauthorized use, or misappropriation; revenues and expenditures are properly recorded and accounted for; and programs are efficiently and effectively carried out according to applicable law and management policy. 

Internal Review Services:

Stakeholders might need to submit service requests for the following:  

A) Reviews. IR office provides two types of reviews, including financial, performance, compliance, and cost analysis.

  • Formal Reviews (FRs).  Reviews scheduled on the annual plan.
  • Special Reviews (SRs).  Unprogrammed reviews that focus on performance in a very limited area and may be time sensitive.

B) RISK MANAGEMENT.  Leaders at all levels have a statutory and regulatory responsibility to establish and maintain effective internal management controls.  Within the corporate structure, the internal auditor is considered the in-house internal control expert, assisting with the assessment of risks and the design and implementation of internal controls to mitigate risks, to include performing tests of these controls.  IRAC fulfills this same important role for the Command’s leaders at all levels.  Resource stewardship, within the Command, is all about risk management.  Examples of risk management are:

  • Proposed Management Actions - A comparison or contrast of a new or proposed change to existing policies and procedures to identify potential strengths or weaknesses, e.g., consolidation of operational functions.
  • Cost Analysis - Providing cost analysis services such as in-house cost versus commercial sources, validating anticipated savings for various programs, and commenting on lease or buy options.

C) CONSULTING AND ADVISORY SERVICES (C&A).  These services are advisory and related client service activities; the nature and scope of these services are agreed upon with the client.  They are intended to add value and improve an organization’s operations.  Examples include Managers’ Internal Control Program (MICP) Training, Army Audit Readiness, process design, and advice on managerial decision packages.

D) EXTERNAL AUDIT LIAISON (AL).  These services facilitate audits performed by external audit organizations, such as the Government Accounting Office, DoD Inspector General, and U.S. Army Audit Agency.  The audit liaison can expedite the external audit process by coordinating meetings and conferences, assisting external auditors in getting to the proper officials, facilitating, and staffing replies to audit findings and recommendations, mediating disagreements between external auditors and the Command, and validating projected monetary savings claimed by external auditors.

E) FOLLOW-UP (FU).  This service is not only a fundamental tenet of IRAC’s management control system, but also a statutory responsibility of both managers and IRAC personnel.  Follow-up provides leadership with reasonable assurance that corrective actions have been accomplished, that they have been taken in a timely manner, and that the actions have minimized known risks. 

Guiding Regulations:

  • Public Law 97-255; Title 31, United States Code, Section 3512; Office of Management and Budget Circular A-123.
  • Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-123 Appendix D, Financial Management Systems, 15 July 2016.
  • Department of Defense Instruction (DODI) 5010.40, Managers’ Internal Control Program Procedures, 30 May 2013.
  • Federal Managers Financial Integrity Act of 1982 (P.L. 97-255 --(H.R. 1526).
  • Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-576).
  • US Standards of Internal Control for the Federal Government, aka. Government Accountability Office (GAO) Green Book.
  • DOD’s Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness (FIAR).
  • Army Regulation 36-2 Audit Services in the Department of the Army.
  • Army Regulation 11-2 Army Programs, Mangers’ Internal Control Program.
  • Army Regulation 11-7 Army Programs Internal Review Program



Hours of Operation

7:00 AM – 3:30 PM

USAG-Miami Safety Office

The Garrison/Installation Safety Office's top priority is to protect and safeguard service members, their families, civilian employees, and DoD property, as well as to establish the safest possible workplace environment. The  Safety Manager advise, audit, and assist commanders and directors in carrying out their safety and occupational health program responsibilities in order to preserve the mission, prevent injury and damage, adhere to the law, and limit liability. The installation Army Traffic Safety Training Program and Motorcycle Safety Training are also managed by the safety office.

USAG-Miami Accidents:  All accidents must be reported to the Safety Manager and the Directorate of Emergency Services. Leaders will upload accident data to the Army Safety Management Information System 2.0 app at in conjunction with the Safety Manager. The goal of management is to produce a record that will prevent a hazard from recurring and will allow an investigation to find cause variables and possibly dangerous behaviors or conditions.

Motorcycle Training:  Basic Riders Course 1 (BRC1) is required for all service members who ride motorcycles (BRC1). After completing the BRC1, their service organization will determine when they must complete the BRC2 based on their motorcycle training requirement (for the BRC1 it involves a motorcycle and some PPE). SOCSOUTH, which is based at Homestead Air Reserve Base, is hosting the Basic Riders Course 2 (BRC2). This facility has a new motorcycle range as well as two BRC2 certified employees. Contact the Motorcycle Mentorship POC at x0288 for more information.


AR 385-10, The Army Safety Program provides guidance for the implementation of OSHA in the Army. Paragraph 3-1a., states “All standards established by DOL pursuant to section 6 and 19 of the Public Law 91-596, are adopted as Army safety standards and will be complied with in applicable Army workplace.” Note:  Public Law 91-596 is the OSHA Act. 

The OSHA website:

Civilian Career Planning & Development:

Safety Training

Mishap Reporting:

OSHA Website

U.S. Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center

For even more Occupational Safety and Health Information, contact the USAG-Miami Safety Office:

Office number: 305-437-3151

Hours of Operation

7:00 AM – 3:30 PM


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USAG-Miami Public Affairs Office

USAG-Miami’s PAO serves as the principal communication advisor to the Garrison Manager. It conducts public affairs training for garrison leadership, facilitate media engagements, and play an important role in enhancing the quality, accessibility, efficiency, and effectiveness of communication across all the installation’s public-facing communication channels. The PAO leverages communication techniques to effectively tell the Garrison’s story to the right audience using the right tools and doing so as rapidly as possible. It engages the media and the community and communicate corporately in support of Army communication strategies that build the trust and confidence of the American public.

Command Information:

Hot Topics

Interactive Customer Evaluation link

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