Tag: LAMAT23

Feb. 17, 2023

LAMAT Dental Team First to Treat Patients at New Redi Doti Dental Clinic

The dental team of the Lesser Antilles Medical Assistance Team (LAMAT) was the first to see patients in a newly opened dental clinic in Redi Doti, Suriname on Monday. The Youth Dental Care Foundation’s (JTV) Redi Doti clinic will serve patients in rural communities, making dental services and preventative care more easily accessible.

Feb. 1, 2023

SOUTHCOM Provides Medical Assistance to Lesser Antilles

Following in the wake of the United States Naval Ship Comfort's recent deployment for operation Continuing Promise, U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) has kicked off operation Lesser Antilles Medical Assistance Team (LAMAT) this week beginning with the arrival of U.S. Military personnel at USSOUTHCOM headquarters in Miami Florida, January 25, 2023