Archive: May, 2021

May 7, 2021

JTF-Bravo Conducts Rapid Response Exercise

Joint Task Force-Bravo, a U.S. Southern Command unit at Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras, will conduct a rapid response exercise with the Salvadoran Military to simulate a natural disaster response in and around La Union, El Salvador from 10-22 May.

May 6, 2021

4th Fleet Commander Conducts Maritime Staff Talks with Brazil Navy

NAVAL STATION MAYPORT, Fla. - Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command/U.S. 4th Fleet, Rear Adm. Don Gabrielson, hosted delegates from the Brazilian Navy (Marinha do Brasil) for the 15th annual Maritime Staff Talks (MST) May 5.

May 4, 2021

Senior enlisted leaders collaborate in Colombia

During a recent key leader engagement visit to Colombia, Command Sgt. Maj. Sean Rice, the senior enlisted adviser at Security Assistance Command, saw firsthand how the foreign military sales process promoted greater interoperability between the Colombian military and the U.S. Army.